You know it and I know it.  The mess we’re all in called debt is nobody’s fault but ours.  We cry about bills when we’re the ones who created them.  We fuss at the bill collectors and ignore the telephone calls when we’re the ones not making timely payments.  Think back, if you can, to the days when things were simple.  You had a good paying job, money in your savings account, moved into a nice, new apartment and had transportation back and forth to work.  You were so satisfied!!

Then you began to look at what other people had (or what you thought they had) and you convinced yourself that you needed a 42″ screen television, a 2011 luxury car, a family vacation on a cruise ship, a new home with 4 and a half baths, a brand new wardrobe (accessories included), manicures and pedicures every week, and the list goes on and on.  What you failed to take into consideration, however, was that maybe, just maybe, these people who you were comparing yourself to couldn’t really afford any of these things.  Sure they were smiling and waving every time you saw them, but after work, they all wore a different face.  The face of worry, fear, pity and disgust.  Now look at you!!  Just like one of them.  “How did I get myself into this financial mess?” is what they ask every day.  And better yet–“How do I get myself out?”  Well, let me let you in on a little secret.  There is no easy fix!  There is no miracle cure!  The same way you got into it (slowly but surely), is the same way you must come out of it.  Organize your bills, pay on time, save a little each paycheck, get a second job for a little while if necessary, and stay focused.  Take full responsibility for where you are now and don’t give up until you see the light at the end of this tunnel called debt.  Better days are coming, but it takes time and perseverance.

About Lorraine B. Sellars

Intercessor, entrepreneuer, speaker, author, wife, mom, lover of life
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